
White Papers

Read through in-depth research and explanations about our processes

In our white paper library, we have papers written to explain research we have conducted about our processes and the advantages of our work, as well as papers meant to simplify information about the principles that are more difficult to understand.

pdf iconWhitepaper Plastic Shielding (PDF, 75 KB)

This whitepaper details EMI shielding with coated plastics and what the importance of it is today, particularly with regards to the higher clock frequencies running in our modern technology age and our use of plastic enclosures. This white paper was completed in collaboration with an independent third party.


pdf iconEMC Shielding Simplified (PDF, 148 KB)

This white paper seeks to give a simpler explanation on EMC shielding design and pitfalls, as compiled in collaboration with a third party consultant.


pdf iconVTI Whitepaper EMI Shielding Effectiveness (PDF, 122 KB)

This white paper details an independent study of the performance of shielding with minor voids present in the coating, tested by a third party.


VTI Vacuum Technologies Celebrates 30th Anniversary: Three Decades of Excellence VTI Vacuum Technologies Celebrates 30th Anniversary: Three Decades of Excellence

Providing Vacuum Metallization Services for EMI Shielding since 1993 VTI Vacuum Technologies Inc. proudly celebrates its 30th anniversary, marking ...



Supplier Development Engineer

I just wanted to drop a quick email thanking you for your hard work. Your quality of work and responsiveness have been greatly appreciated, and were...

Supplier Development Engineer